Saturday, August 18, 2007

Molly grows up...

Alright young ladies, sit down, make yourself comfortable and watch carefully, because this is really important and you might get some answers to your questions.

There must have been fun at school in the year 1953 :-D

Here you are, a sex education for young girls called "Molly grows up"

And if you are not sure whether you're a girl, here is an alternative - "As Boys Grow" (part 1, part 2) (1957), a similar film made for 1950s teenage boys.

"My goodness, Molly's certainly growin' up" :-D


Anonymous said...

Hmm...mazec:D...nebo musim psat anglicky?:D...vidim,ze si FCE trainer vymenil za CAE :D..

Martin said...

:) cus, nemusis :-P ti verim ze anglicky umis :-)) no sak ty cae delas se mnou, tak co se divis... :o)

Anonymous said...

Jooo?Ze o tom nevim:D...

Martin said...

posero :-P